Thursday, 23 January 2025

"Withering Dreams" - Poem by Suhas Hydros

"Withering Dreams"

Poem by Suhas Hydros

As fear grips the heart of a nation
woven on a fabric of love and respect,
As its soul lay meticulously ripped apart
And shred into a million pieces,
As dreams are crushed in waves of hatred
And freedom becomes a thing of the past,
As every stream of reason evaporate
in the intense heat of fascist abominations,
As compassion and tolerance
Magnanimity and benevolence
become virtues of a distant past,
As voices are silenced n crushed
by brute force of power,
As innocent cries for help
are drowned in a melee of madness,
As old friends turn their backs
And leave in unmindful pretence,
As an ethereal God watches in silence
Oblivious to the suffering mankind,
Into that land of darkness... my Father
Let me not awake!

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