Sunday, 06 October 2024

The Missing Lemons - Story for children by Muraly TV

The Missing Lemons

“It’s irritating!” shouted Inspector Kutty while banging on his table.  “Never heard about such a funny theft before!” 

“Reporters are feasting upon our failure.  The culprits are still at large!” remarked head-constable Kittu.  The constables stood silently waiting for further orders.

‘The Missing Lemons’ became the hot topic of arguments and discussions all over Kottara village.  Reporters filled the front page of their news papers with imaginary stories behind the missing lemons. 

Lemons have been missing from the houses, shops and the farms.  No other valuables including jewelries are touched by the thieves. 

“Who loves to drink too much lemon juice during this monsoon?” wondered Ramu chacha while sipping his usual morning tea at Bansi Lal’s tea shop.  Villagers expressed their concern.

Chameli and Chandni were on their usual evening stroll when Chandan rushed to them in panic; panting and sweating.  “I found a small monkey plucking the lemons from my uncle’s farm” screamed Chandan. 

“What?” Chandni exclaimed.  “Oh! It’s a monkey game” Chameli laughed.

“It seems the monkey is well trained to pluck the lemons and fill the bag” Chandan said.  “Let’s rush to your uncle’s farm before the monkey disappears” opined Chandni.  Chameli, Chandni and Chandan rushed to the farm.  All of them shockingly watched the little monkey’s lemon business.

“Of course, it’s trained by someone” Chameli opined.  “It seems, the monkey is collecting lemons for its master” Chandni remarked.  Chandan asked both of them to keep quiet to avoid monkey’s anger.

Hachee...” suddenly Chandan sneezed.  The monkey soon disappeared into the adjacent bushes with the bag.  Chandan cursed himself for the unexpected sneeze.

“Should we inform Inspector Kutty immediately?” asked Chandni.  Chandan was slightly scared of going to the police station.  Chameli thought for a while and replied – “Not immediately.  First of all, nobody will believe our monkey-story.  Secondly, police can not arrest a monkey-thief”

“Then, what should we do?” asked Chandan impatiently.  All of them sat in the farm and discussed the matter.  They decided to wait and watch.

Lemon theft took place in the same night at Kamli chachi’s vegetable shop and Bablu’s provision shop.  Bablu had hanged a few lemons at the entrance of his shop after pooja.  His shop was inaugurated just a few days ago.

“A monkey may not know exactly where to search for the lemons” said Chandan.  “Yes.  The monkey is directed rightly to the desired locations” said Chandni.  Chameli was lost in her own thoughts!

“Let’s walk around and search for the monkey” said Chameli.  “Who knows, if lucky, we might see its master too” wished Chandni.  Chameli, Chandni and Chandan walked around the village.  “Luckily, today is a holiday for schools” smiled Chandan.

The children walked around enthusiastically.  They did not disclose the matter to anyone.  After a while, they could watch the monkey sitting idle on a guava tree.  A small bag was tied onto its waist.  “It seems, the monkey is relaxing after the duty” laughed Chandan.  “Yes.  The bag is hanging heavy.  Lemons might be inside” agreed Chandni.  “We must befriend the monkey, by somehow” said Chameli.

Chameli opened her shoulder bag and took out a few apples.  “Come... let’s feed the monkey now”. The monkey greedily ate the apples and gratefully looked at the children.  Chandni gave a few guavas to the monkey.  Anyway, Chandan was unhappy with the monkey!

The monkey did not object when the children followed him.  The monkey jumped from tree to tree.  The children lost the sight of the monkey after sometime.  “This narrow pathway is going to the caves” said Chandan.  Chandan’s father was a shepherd and hence he knew nook and corner of the village.  Chameli and Chandni had never been to the Kottara Caves.

“It seems like an adventurous trekking” said Chameli while walking to the caves with Chandni and Chandan.  After a while, they reached at the hillock and watched the caves afar.  “Its there!” pointing her fingers at the little monkey, Chandni shouted.  “Hey, keep quiet” warned Chandan.  The children hid behind the bushes and waited. 

“There, he is!” whispered Chameli.  They saw a beard man coming out of the cave and patting the little monkey.  He removed the bag from monkey’s waist and walked into the cave.  The monkey too followed him.

“It’s going to be dusk soon.  This place is not safe” cautioned Chandan.  But, Chameli and Chandni were unwilling to leave the spot without finding the secret behind the monkey and the beard man. 

Hreem.... Hroom... Hreem...” sound of chanting mantras started coming out of the cave.  “Is he a saint?” wondered Chandan.  “Why should a saint need lemons alone for his tapas?” Chandni said.  “Let’s closely monitor him and find out the fact” sternly said Chameli.

Carefully, the children walked near to the cave and peeped inside.  The beard man was busy doing some sort of pooja and tying lemons together with black threads.  He used skull and bones for his pooja.  The chanting of mantras continued for sometime.  Everything looked terrific, of course.  The little monkey remained calm beside him.

“It’s nothing but black magic” Chameli said.  “We should withdraw at once” said Chandan.  “Yes, he might come out anytime” Chandni too nodded.

It was dark by then.  Still, the children remained calm and cool.  They waited anxiously to know what the beard man was going to do next.  The moon smiled in the sky.  The hillock stood shining in the moonlight.  The children saw the beard man leaving his cave for the village.  They followed him carefully.

As soon as the beard man reached at the village, he started behaving suspiciously.  He stopped behind Bansi Lal’s tea shop.  After scrutinizing the area, he started digging in the kitchen-garden area.  “Oh, he is hiding the lemons” said Chandan.  “He is doing blasphemy to destroy others” said Chameli.  The beard man carefully performed his rituals and planted the lemons.  He repeated the same at a few houses and shops. 

“Black magic is a crime.  Nobody is supposed to perform such rituals for any purpose” said Chameli.  Before he escapes to the caves, we must inform the police” said Chandni.  “But, how?  He might disappear before we come back with the police” opined Chandan.  “Let’s shout and scream” Chameli murmured.

“Lemon Thief... Lemon Thief...” suddenly the children screamed.  Chandni and Chameli rushed to the very nearby houses and banged on the doors.  Chandan untied Bansi Lal’s dog Jimmy and challenged the beard man.  The villagers gathered at once on hearing upon the chaos.  Inspector Kutty and head constable Kittu who were on patrolling duty rushed to the spot.

The beard man had no other option than surrendering.  He was jealous of many people in the village who worked hard and earned well.  He thought his black magic would finish them up.  Finally, the brave children finished him up!

Inspector Kutty appreciated Chameli, Chandni and Chandan.  Villagers danced and rejoiced.  “Sir, but the real lemon-thief is still absconding” said Chameli.  “Yes... Yes...” both Chandan and Chandni nodded.

Everybody stood astonished.  “The culprit is already arrested.  Anyone else?” asked Inspector Kutty.  Chameli, Chandni and Chandan laughed innocently thinking about the little monkey – “The lemon thief is mysterious!!!”


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