Sunday, 06 October 2024

Corona’s Suicide - Story by Muraly TV

Corona’s Suicide - Story by Muraly TV

Corona committed suicide.  Corona’s soul reported back to Creator.  Highly confused, Creator asked – “What the hell it is! Such an amazing killer like you committed suicide!”

An exhausted Corona grinned, “I am sorry Lord.  I could bring down the population drastically by eliminating lakhs of humans worldwide, but...”

“But, what happened?” Creator’s anxiety increased.  “Like all other evils and devils, I too failed in teaching them a lesson.  Humans won’t change at all, let any damn thing happen to them” Corona expressed his helplessness to Creator.

Meanwhile, souls of Flood, Earthquake, Avalanches, Volcanoes, Tsunami and many such evils and devils reached.  “I already knew it” Flood laughed.  “I did my best with my companions several times but to no avail as humans won’t change their attitude” Tsunami opined.  Others, anyway, remained silent but felt sympathy for the Corona.

“But, the report what I got from earth initially was really shocking” Creator said, “You had terribly attacked all regardless of region, religion, caste, class, language, status, power, colour, designations or what not!”.

“Yes, my Lord” Corona said.  “My journey was really wonderful.  But ...”

Pin-drop silence prevailed for a while.  Corona stared at the anxious faces.  Corona broke his silence – “I terrified humans.  They were caged like animals and birds.  I made them hate each other as they feared even to talk to others in close proximity.  I stopped their movements.  I made them die of hunger.  I made them roofless.  I made them jobless.  I separated them from their near and dear ones.  In brief, I made their life just a hell!”

Corona heaved a long sigh and continued before Creator or anyone else could question, “Man-made gods, goddesses and babajis disappeared.  Highly crowded worshipping places even remained isolated.  I was too powerful that I could rule over entire world like an emperor.  But, alas, as the months passed by, having left all hopes, humans finally became humans with most inhumane acts”

Corona paused for a while.  “Yes, humans act inhumane” Earthquake nodded.  Again, Corona broke his silence, “All the Governments and many NGOs and well-wishers tried their best to help the public.  But, I was so happy to see only very few percentage of the mass obeyed the rules.  Government made new rules and regulations – wear mask, maintain social distance, do not step out if quarantined or what not?  But, most of them cared damn of it giving me a great opportunity to finish them off”

“You are confusing me more and more” Creator intervened, “Whatever you say now is all about your achievements.  Then, what did force you to commit suicide?”

“I got exhausted” Corona said, “Humans by their behaviour confirmed that they would never change their attitude.  Very few possess goodwill and seem to be law abiding but majority are egoistic.  Even in my presence, I found many humans spitting on others face.  Even in my presence, I found many humans killing others for want of money, sex and power.  Even in my presence, humans did all the possible evils to downgrade their counterparts.  Even in my presence, they were busy in terrorism, loot, rape and murder.  When they were home quarantined, the domestic violence and the cyber crime increased.  Even in my presence, they were doing researches on destruction and elimination of humanity

“I could kill humans but I couldn’t kill their ego.  I could save Earth and other creatures only for a while as humans were back to their real actions.  I could spread fear amongst them but they were more powerful in spreading fear and hate.  I could only paralyze their ego for a while but finally they, the humans won the battle of destruction.  They proved they would continue their evil acts without any hesitation even in my presence”

Corona started panting, still continued, “I felt ashamed on seeing many useless people attacking the helpless health-care workers.  Ego has gone to the minds and brains to such a worst level that anyone could attack anyone for a slight provocation”

Suddenly, Tsunami asked, “Corona, but you should have been happy that humans would never change their attitude.  That must have been a plus point for you!”  Others also were of the same opinion.

“Alas, unlike humans, I have some professional ethics and principles in my life” Corona replied, I felt ashamed on myself when I heard someone saying ‘there is nothing like Corona, it’s just a market strategy to downgrade some sections and upgrade others’.  Humans were such shameless that even in sanitizers, they made duplicates for profits.  Alas, I was overpowered by human’s ego.  I thought I would rule the world but humans proved their ego only would rule the world.  I am sorry that I have some ethics in my deeds.  Before they declare me as a useless virus, I committed suicide and left their world.  Otherwise, why should I waste my time working extra all over the world when I am sure their ego itself would finish them off gradually” Paused for a while, Corona concluded – “Let hell fall on them, still humans’ ego can’t be defeated.  I am after all, a virus; humans are deadly than any virus

Corona fainted.  Others left.  Creator silently sat for a while and asked himself – “What will I do with these humans?”


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