Sunday, 06 October 2024

The Reflection - Story by Muraly TV

The Reflection

It was lunch time in Little Hearts School.  Niharika was walking to the washroom when Nisha accidentally fell on her after slipping on the wet floor.

“How dare you?  Don’t you have eyes on your face?” shouted Niharika and pushed Nisha to the floor.  Nisha fell and injured her fingers slightly.  With tears in eyes, Nisha went to Raji teacher and complained against Niharika.

“Oh! How many complaints do I have to receive against Niharika on a daily basis?” said Raji teacher in disgust and walked to the play-ground along with Nisha.  By then, Niharika had started quarrelling with a few girls for some reasons.

“What is happening here?  Why can’t you play decently?”  Raji teacher shouted at the children.

“Teacher, we were playing hide and seek.  Niharika did cheating.  When we requested her to play properly, she picked up the fight with us” immediately replied little Nancy.  Other children also opined the same.

Raji teacher sternly looked at Niharika’s face and asked – “What is your problem?  Why can’t you decently mingle with others?  Daily I am receiving complaints against you.  Why did you push Nisha to the floor?”

Niharika carelessly replied – “Nisha fell on me so I pushed her.  Nancy was about to win the game so I played pranks with all”.

“Is this the way you talk to your teacher?  Why do you always shout at others?”  Raji teacher paused for a while and said – “Better, I must check with your parents”.

Niharika, suddenly, started laughing – “No problem, teacher.  My parents are the best fighters I have ever seen”.  Niharika continued laughing.  Annoyed but surprised, Raji teacher questioned Niharika – “Why should your parents fight quite often?”

“My father finds fault at mother for anything what she does and starts shouting at her.  My mother reciprocates in the same way.  Mother interferes in my father’s business unnecessarily asking too many questions that irritate my father.  Both of them find some or other reasons to quarrel on a daily basis” Niharika said.

Raji teacher thought for a while and said – “Dear students, all of you must enjoy your school days.  Do not engage in unnecessary fights.  Anger will only bring disaster and no good results.  Be friendly with others; regard and respect others; care and love others and most importantly never hurt others”

The bell rang.  Children rushed to their respective classes.  Raji teacher went to the staff room with various thoughts in her mind.

It was pack-up time.  The bell rang and the children started rushing to their houses.  “Hai Niharika, I am coming to your house today.  Will I get a cup of tea?”  Raji teacher walked along with Niharika.

Niharika remained silent as she was not sure of her parent’s behaviour.  She was tensed too.  On reaching at the gate itself, Raji teacher could hear some arguments from inside Niharika’s house.  On seeing Raji teacher beside Niharika, her parents got a shock.  With a paled face, Niharika’s mother invited Raji teacher inside home.

Niharika went to her room immediately.  Raji teacher explained everything about Niharika’s short temper and misdeeds to Niharika’s parents.  Niharika’s parents felt ashamed of themselves when Raji teacher told them about Niharika’s comments about her parents.

“It is your duty, as a teacher, to teach good lessons and manners to your students.  Parents are busy with their work and piled up with other responsibilities.  What we do at home or how we behave has nothing to do with our child but you must do your job well for which you are paid” sternly said Niharika’s father.  In no time, Niharika’s mother intervened – “See teacher, this is the way he speaks always putting blame on others.  How can I keep quiet?”

Raji teacher smiled and said - “Children are mirrors, they reflect back to us all we say and do”

Niharika’s parents stared at Raji teacher.  “It’s a famous quote by Pam Leo.  Children are like mirrors.  You can see your reflection in your child.  How you behave; how you speak; how you deal with others and all that you do are reflected in your child’s behaviour and attitude.  Basic lessons of mannerism and behaviour are learnt at home.  So, please behave yourself and show your child how to live.  Absolutely, there is no point in complaining about your child in future once you are unwilling to show her the right path”

Niharika’s parents had never felt their behaviour would send wrong signals to their lovely daughter.  Niharika’s parents thanked Raji teacher.  Niharika brought rasagulla for her teacher and parents.  All of them enjoyed eating sweet rasagullas.

Change in parent’s behaviour and attitude gradually reflected in Niharika’s character and behaviour.  Niharika, thus, became a good girl and everyone loved her company!!!


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